Our meals may be dehydrated or freeze-dried, depending on the best process for individual textures, flavors, and properties. For instance, fruits and vegetables tend to retain a richer flavor when freeze-dried, while dryer foods such as pasta or grains tend to be most flavorful when dehydrated. Wise Food Now packages our gourmet meals in lightweight 4-serving Mylar parcels, removing the moisture that causes food to spoil and promoting an extensive shelf life for secure and reliable storage.
Our company has intensively researched the most effective process to prepare each gourmet meal for your satisfaction and top nutritional value. Wise Food Now gourmet meals boast a 25 + year shelf life, thanks to our Smart Packaging and attention to detail. Not only do we provide long-term meal provisions to safeguard you and your family from food shortage, we offer a plethora of survival and emergency kits for every occasion.
Wise Food Now understands the importance of providing for your family and taking preventative measures in case of emergency. We are confident you will find our products to be top quality and extremely affordable.